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A letter

Dearest One

I wanted to reach out to you, to say that I’ve seen the challenges you’ve been facing and all that you’ve been doing to navigate through the sometimes stormy seas.  I’ve watched you question yourself, wondering whether you have what it takes, whether you’re making the right choices and, at times, if you’ll ever make it through to calmer waters.  I know that at times you’ve felt disorientated, lost and alone, even losing sight of the wonder of Who You Really Are and the amazing gifts that you bring.

So, I wanted to let you know that, in fact, you are not alone.  I am here, right by your side, all along the way.  When times feel hard, I’m there supporting you; when times feel good, I’m there celebrating with you; when you feel that you’re the only one on this path, just look up and you’ll see me there, cheering you on.

You might not be able to see me with your eyes, but you will know and recognise me from your heart.  I’m there in the little things: the sun after the rain, the refreshing rain at the end of a long hot day, the smile of a child, the purr of a cat, the wag of a dog’s tail, the breeze through the leaves on a tree, and gently caressing your skin, the phonecall or email from a friend, the ocean, the sunrise and sunset, the moon and the stars.

In all of these things I send my love to you.  I long to fill you and surround you with this love and for it to empower you and to connect you with all the wisdom and resources that you carry within you.

But sometimes I see that things weigh you down and blind you to my love, and so I’m writing to tell you directly how special, how precious you are to me!  I created you – over many generations – carefully selecting the very particular aspects of being that went into forming such a wanted and treasured child, both the things that you have labelled ‘good’ and the things that you, or others, have called ‘unwanted’ or ‘undesirable’.  To me they are all just aspects of my beloved child.  Both ‘good’ and ‘undesirable’ have their strengths and weaknesses, but when they come together in the love I wish to share with you, then their true beauty, power and majesty shine for all to see.  Then love, light and joy shine from you onto all around you – and light up the world with that love.

Please take these words to your heart, dear one.  Release your worries and fears and your need to take life so seriously.  Relax into the knowledge of my love and the safe space in which you are so gently held.  Life is not a test.  You can’t get it ‘wrong’ or ‘fail’.  If things don’t work out the way you’d hoped, just smile, call out ‘Plot twist!’, and start over.  I’ll be right there, laughing along with you and cheering you every step of the way.

And if you ever need to feel my presence, to feel my arms around you and to know the truth of all that I’ve shared, just find a place of stillness, close your eyes and gently reach out with your heart.  I’ll be there 💙

Yours always, forever

Your Soul Self

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