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Bereavement and loss resources

Woman, wrapped up warmly, sitting in Nature and looking off into the distance, silhouetted by the setting sun

I’m passionate about the importance of support when we’re experiencing any form of grief and loss and so I’ve put together some resources to share:

I also co-host a lovely monthly online meetup with my wonderful friend and colleague, Jane Grayer of Create Ceremonies. We run it as a drop-in session, on the second Thursday of every month, from 5.30-7.30pm, UK time. You’re most welcome to come along and join us:

In addition to the above, my Create Your Own W·I·L·D® Wellbeing learning programme contains 2 modules that focus on loss:

  • Exploring loss and grieving
  • Understanding our physical responses to loss

You can find these in the ‘Nurturing the Shoots‘ section – just click on the icon at the top of the page. Just contact me to find out more.