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a book, lying open on a table, next to some pale pink tea roses and a cup of coffee

✨ From Despair to Joy: the W·I·L·D® path to wellbeing ✨

Embracing the Call to Write

After a decade of passionate dedication to wellbeing, a milestone 10-year business anniversary, the prestigious Registered Trademark for my ‘W·I·L·D’ acronym, completing Gabor Maté’s transformative Compassionate Inquiry course and navigating an updated re-accreditation in Meta Consciousness®, the universe whispered, “It’s time to write a book!

Having brushed this aside for years, the idea finally took root and blossomed into a realisation. The stars aligned, and the timing felt right to embark on this literary journey.

Coming up with the perfect name for my book was like finding the key to unlock its essence—a process of introspection, creativity, and alignment with the heart of my message. After much contemplation, “Take a Walk on the W·I·L·D® Side” emerged as the embodiment of the transformative journey I share within its pages, inviting readers to step into the realm of wonder, intuition, and loving self-discovery.

Below you’ll find further details on:

Unveiling the Essence: What’s the Book About?

I’ll be sharing my transformative journey from feeling worthless, unattractive, undeserving, never good enough, diminished, unwanted, and unlovable, to knowing these were simply feelings – they didn’t define Who I Really Am.

I used to react based on beliefs shaped by early experiences and conditioning, which held me back, causing me to close off parts of myself. Recognising these beliefs were no longer serving me, I started setting them aside and stepping into the richness of my True Nature.

I discovered my feelings and symptoms didn’t need to be obstacles – in fact they held profound wisdom on my healing journey, leading me back to wellbeing and a deeper sense of comfort within my own skin.

My body wasn’t malfunctioning, attacking me, betraying me, or letting me down – and it’s far from ugly. In reality, it’s an incredible, intelligent bio-logical marvel performing countless wonderful feats for me every single day!

This journey has been about shedding the old to embrace the new, unveiling the beauty which was always there but had been temporarily overshadowed.

And, of course, I’ll be unraveling the magic behind ‘W·I·L·D®‘, where it comes from, what it stands for, and, most importantly, how we can harness its power to nurture our wellbeing and truly thrive, finding joy in every step of our Life’s dance!

A Glimpse into the Process

My editor, AnnMarie Reynolds from, and I have now completed our final edit and the manuscript recently took it’s first steps out into the world, straight to the amazing beta readers for their thoughts and feedback. Their comments are now in and it’s been overwhelmingly good – check it out here.

AnnMarie and I have now agreed all the finishing touches and it’s so exciting to see launch day getting closer!

The journey, while challenging, has been incredibly rewarding. AnnMarie has been a guiding light, skillfully catching moments where I might not be digging deeply enough or expressing myself clearly. Her support has been invaluable, knowing she too is committed to making this book the absolute best it can be.

The whole process is a rollercoaster of excitement, exhaustion and demands, occasionally leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable. Yet AnnMarie’s continuous feedback and encouragement are my driving force, guiding me forward. It’s a testament to the belief that sharing my story has a valid and valuable purpose – to offer hope and support to those who find themselves in a similar place of illness, loneliness, and hopelessness.

It’s a reminder that there is a path to a happier, healthier, and more joy-filled life. Back then, I didn’t believe it. Still, here I am, not just believing in it, but writing a book about it! 😄

Creating the Cover: A Visual Invitation to the W·I·L·D® Journey

The cover of a book is so important and for this one I wanted it to feel like more than just an introduction; we’ve designed it to be a visual invitation to embark on this journey. The bold colours, the subtle dance of elements, and the whispers of discovery – all carefully crafted to captivate and resonate with the soul. I’m so excited to share it with you and for you to feel the magic we’ve poured into every detail!

Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support. Together, we’re creating something truly special, and I can’t wait to share it with you. To help me with this, I’m thrilled to announce my collaboration with Roar Media Creative Studios! Together, we aim to make a meaningful impact and spread the message of wellbeing far and wide!

And, if you sign up below, you’ll stay in the loop for pre-order details and be the first to know about any exciting launch events I have in store. Whether you prefer face-to-face or online engagements, I’ve got you covered.

Let’s make 2024 a year of wisdom, growth, and healing. Join me on this exciting journey!

New Year, New Beginnings: Save the Date for the Book Release in Summer 2024!

I’d like to start by expressing my gratitude for the incredible support and enthusiasm surrounding the release of my book. Your excitement means the world to me, and I’m truly grateful for your presence on this adventure.

The process is currently taking a brief detour on its path. It’s like a dance, isn’t it? Sometimes the rhythm changes, and we find new steps to navigate. Consequently the release will now be happening a little later than initially planned but remember you can stay up to date here.  (See the latest news on the publication journey in my news update here.)

I want to assure you this decision wasn’t made lightly. I’m striving to create a richer experience for you, my valued readers. I’ve delved deeper into the heart of the content, adding layers of insight and wisdom that I believe will make our collective journey even more meaningful.

In the meantime, let me tell you about some of the magic happening behind the scenes! Working with my incredible editor, AnnMarie Reynolds of, has been an absolute joy. Her keen insight and commitment to the essence of the W·I·L·D® journey have truly elevated the book. Together, we’ve delved into the heart of each concept, ensuring that a sense of Wonder, Intuition, and Love Dance off each page!

As we get closer to the launch date, excitement is building and I’m buzzing as I think about ways to share this special occasion with as many people as possible. I’ll be offering events, both online and face-to-face, and I’d love to tailor them just for you. To make sure they’re as magical and impactful as possible, would you do me a huge favour? If you’re considering joining any of these gatherings, please take a moment to fill out this short questionnaire – just click on the button below. It’s all about getting a feel for numbers, your preferences for the type of event, and finding those perfect days and times that fit into our collective rhythm. Your input is like gold dust, helping me to create spaces where we can all thrive together. Thank you for being a part of this journey!

Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support. Together, we’re creating something truly special, and I can’t wait to share it with you. To help me with this, I’m thrilled to announce my collaboration with Roar Media Creative Studios! Together, we aim to make a meaningful impact and spread the message of wellbeing far and wide!

And, if you sign up below, you’ll stay in the loop for pre-order details and be the first to know about any exciting launch events I have in store. Whether you prefer face-to-face or online engagements, I’ve got you covered.

Let’s make 2024 a year of wisdom, growth, and healing. Join me on this exciting journey!

If you’d like to be kept informed regarding pre-ordering and launch events, just enter your details below:
