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Case Studies and Feedback

Discover the transformative power of W·I·L·D®.
Read about the conditions I’ve helped clients address.

“Making time for the ‘little things‘,
like play, rest and fun,
is so important for our wellbeing.”

– Robyn Harris

Helen Pinkett

I would just like to say thank you so much for sharing your time and expertise creating my META-Health report. Following an amazing energy healing session with you I was very keen to learn about META-Health as well, I sent you quite a vague list of previous issues and illnesses and you were able to put together a detailed report that was really fascinating. I never realised that everything could be linked together and I’m blown away by what you told me and how it connects with the emotional side of my life. You also gave some great tips and advice on how to rectify some of these issues, I am so grateful for this Robyn, it’s helped me to understand a lot things about myself! I highly recommend everyone has a META-Health check with you! You are amazing! Thanks again

“Find what ‘makes your heart sing
and include more of that in your life”
Robyn Harris

Katherine Jennings

Working with Robyn this far has centred around a general re-balancing, and has been hugely fulfilling and successful for me. It is quite amazing what Robyn can tell about my body and my experience of her work through what she does… As well as doing such incredible healing Robyn is also a wonderful person, and knowledgeable in her work.

When people hear what I do, they often say,
Oh, so you’re a ‘horse whisperer’ then?
but to me it’s more about listening…
Robyn Harris

Thank you Robyn for your kind and gentle manner.
Miracle performed on Flash and Milo.

Image shows Flash and Milo, 2 chestnut geldings, grooming each other by the field gate
Vicki Best – Flash & Milo

When horse and human are in harmony
the whole is so much more
than the sum of the parts.
– Robyn Harris

The complementary therapies I use are very beneficial in any situation, however you should always seek medical advice if your / your animal is unwell in any way, or if their behaviour changes for an unknown reason.

Please be aware that I do not:

  • diagnose illnesses
  • prescribe medication
  • promise any particular outcome or cure