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Equenergy Blog is back!

Hello again! I’m back – a week later than planned, but I’m here now, and I thought I’d give you a bit of an update on what’s been happening here at Equenergy.

The original plan was to take time off from posting here and to use it instead for reflection and for focusing on some other things that I’d been wanting to do for a while.

Well, as is often the way of things, this didn’t entirely to to plan! Life got in the way, as it tends to do, and the month seemed to pass much faster than I’d expected.

One of the big things I noticed in slowing down a bit and giving myself a little more ‘space; was something that I’ve felt brewing for a while was able to come to the surface…

Today is the 1 year anniversary of our move to Wales. The seasons have gone through a full cycle and we’re once again approaching winter with its shorter days and change in the weather. (I’m partly welcoming the cooler temperatures of Autumn, particularly as I’m currently in the throes of ‘power surges’ – aka hot flushes!) I also love the light, colours and fruitfulness of this season and the fact that the recent rains have restored the spring and the stream.

We’ve done a lot of work on the place over the last 12 months (mostly my wonderful husband, without whom none of this would have been possible) and we’ve learnt a lot about what it’s like to live here ‘on the mountain’.

Although I love living here – and have such a sense of space and connection with Nature and ‘wildness’ – I freely admit that it hasn’t been easy at times.

I knew that stepping back from some things and giving myself some extra time, would bring me face-to-face with some of the feelings that I’d been too busy to deal with before. It’s felt like a kind of ‘deconstruction’ – taking myself and my hopes and dreams for this place apart, re-examining them and then seeing if I could put them together again in a way that ‘fits’, both for me and for this place.

In parallel with this, I’ve been looking at how I work, and what I offer, and I decided to make some changes. Partly these are to streamline things for greater clarity, and partly to be more effective and to make better use of my time – with less procrastination or doing things that are not bringing me closer to my joy.

As a result of all this I’ve merged my 2 Facebook pages into 1, and done the same with the groups. Originally I’d separated them into the work that I do with people, and my work with animals, but this ended up feeling more confusing due to all the overlap and duplication, so I’ve brought them together. I will be doing the same with my newsletters.

If you’d like to see, and perhaps follow, my Facebook page you can find it at:

You can also request to join the connected group at W·I·L·D Wisdom Wellbeing

If you’d like to sign up for my newsletter please click here: Equenergy newsletter

For now, I’ve decided to post to my blog on a monthly basis, rather than weekly as before. This is in order to allow time for other projects. I’m considering exploring podcasts and video posts, so we’ll see how it goes…

One of the things I’d hoped to do over the last month was to finish a course / workshop that I’d been working on. (I’m not quite sure what format it will take, and it could potentially be run in a range of different ways.) It builds on the concept of ‘mindfulness’ to look at how we can be more ‘mind-body-spirit-conscious’ in order to live with deeper authenticity and congruence. When we are able to do this, we experience less stress and also greater ease and wellbeing in our lives. If this is something that would be of interest to you, please get in touch.

I wish you a happy and healthy October. For those of us in the UK it’s going to be a month of change as Autumn sees the leaves turn all the colours of the rainbow, the temperatures dropping and shorter, wetter days. The clocks will be changing soon and of course we have the upcoming Brexit. All of this can take a toll on our energy levels, so don’t forget to include lots of self-care in your plans for the weeks ahead. If possible, include time outdoors too, as sunshine and fresh air are so important for our wellbeing as we approach winter.

See you in November!

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