** 3 WEEKS TO GO **
As you might be aware, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
One of the things I often share is that the body doesn’t make mistakes. It only ever makes the adaptations it believes it needs to make in order to survive. It’s just that sometimes it’s operating system is running on outdated programming.
This is true, even for conditions like cancer.
I often compare it to when a car gets a puncture and we need to take off the wheel with the damaged tyre and replace it with the spare wheel. But this wheel is only designed to be a temporary solution to get you from the puncture site to the nearest repair centre. It’s not a normal wheel and it’s not designed to be driven around on for weeks and months. In fact doing so would mean the car was out of balance and it could lead to problems.
For us the ‘spare wheel’ we might be driving round on is old thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve us; thoughts like:
💭 I’m not good enough
💭 It’s not safe to show my feelings
💭 Everyone else comes first – self-care is selfish and self-centred
💭 Nice people don’t get angry so I must be nice all the time, no matter how I feel inside.
Living by beliefs such as these can lead to dis-ease.
But the good news is that when we know this, we can explore what’s going on in our bodies and in our thoughts. Diving deep into our symptoms can reveal so much wisdom, which we can then use to support our healing.
And yes, this is even true for cancer.
By looking at where the cancer is in someone’s body, alongside their personal timeline (see https://www.equenergy.com/Timeline for further information on this) we can uncover their underlying beliefs and how these are causing dis-ease. From there we can co-create a map for their healing journey – whatever that might look like for them.
If you’d like to learn more about this process and how it works for cancer – and any other dis-ease – then join me for my upcoming workshop: ‘Introduction to Meta Consciousness® – understanding how our symptoms hold the key to our healing’
Dates: Friday 10 – Sunday 12 November
Venue: Equenergy: W·I·L·D® Wellbeing, near Abergavenny, Monmouthshire
Times: 10:00 – 16:00
Cost: £299.00
For further information and tickets go to https://www.equenergy.com/MetaC
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or to book in a free, no obligation Zoom call at https://www.equenergy.com/bookachat