Infinite Potential
If we bring together all that we can learn from Nature and the animals, I believe that we have infinite potential to create a new way of being that better serves us, both as individuals, and as a collective. Living in alignment with our inner wildness, and with Who We Really Are, gives us access to a vast resource of inner wisdom and a sense of deep connection, which opens our intuition to making choices from a place of love and respect for all others. It prompts us to think long-term of the impact on the planet and on all who share this space, because we come to see that each has their role and that we are all interdependent, even when, on the surface, we might seem to be very different.
The Pause has also allowed us to see just how quickly animals can return to places that had become too busy or noisy for them to feel safe. Mother Earth, too, has shown us how she can begin to heal herself when given the opportunity to do so.
We, too, can use this time to heal:
- heal ourselves of the conditioning that has left us feeling disconnected – from Nature and from ourselves
- heal the wounds that leave us feeling empty and broken and causing us to cram our lives and homes with ‘things’ to try and satisfy a need that never seems to go away.
Healing these wounds will bring us the peace and connection we long for, when we are prepared to go deep, face the pain and forgive – not just others, but also ourselves – on the deepest of levels.
This Pause is the perfect opportunity to take stock, to review our values and reflect on how we can make choices that are more fully aligned with these. We are individuals, each with our own set of gifts to share with the world, and the best way to do this is by being as true to our authentic Selves as we possibly can. This is very empowering and healing:

So, when we:
- commit to working on our woundedness
- live as authentically as we can
- make all our choices from a place of alignment with our deepest values
- keep our minds and hearts open and curious
- have a deep respect for all living beings (not least ourselves and our needs)
- seek to move away from fear and closer to love
then surely this will be a better world.
Tomorrow I will invite you to consider what all this might mean for you.
(Featured image taken from a post by Sri M: