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Home » Something huge to celebrate!

Something huge to celebrate!

I wanted to share something really big with you!

Something huge that’s happened since I last posted here.


The big thing that happened is…

Drum roll please……..


So bear with me on this 😊

In the month or so before I came to live here, there was so much change and I felt like I never knew what was going to happen next.  It felt so uncertain and unsafe.

Now, for just over 7 weeks, I’ve been here, in the same place, with the same people, similar food, a similar routine, wonderful space, great walks, fun toys and lots of play!  It feels so good!

For weeks now, there haven’t been any more ‘incidents’ – I haven’t felt the need to defend my space.  Occasionally I still get a little nervous, but I can just take a step back – and each time I’ve don’t this it’s been ok, nothing bad has ever happened.

It feels so much safer and more settled, and such an amazing achievement after the preceding weeks!

Sometimes I even forget that I had a different life before.

So, if you find yourself experiencing a lot of change and it feels unsettling, hang in there, and I hope that things get better for you soon, just like they have for me 💙

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