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This week’s blog is a day late as yesterday was the Open Day to relaunch Equenergy here in our new site in South Wales! Thankfully we were blessed with good weather and, as it’s been dry here for a couple of weeks, the mud has mostly gone which made showing people round this magical place much easier and more pleasant. was very excited at the prospect of meeting the visitors and seeing their reaction to this space. It has completely captivated me and I hoped that others would feel the same way too. I wasn’t disappointed! Everyone loved it and commented on how still it is, and how lovely it was to hear all the birdsong, with no background drone of traffic.

Several people had contacted me to say that they would love to come along, but unfortunately already had other plans for the day, so I will be having more of these events in the future. Watch this space, and/or my Facebook page and website for updates.

Today, I’m looking forward to enjoying some ‘down time’. The sun is shining from a brilliant blue sky so I think a walk and some time with the horses is in order!

What are your plans for the day?

What is your favourite way to unwind, and can you make some space for that, either today or at some point during the week?

Whatever you’re up to, I hope you too can enjoy a wonderful, relaxing Sunday.

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