Some further ways to support yourself at this time are:
- make sure you keep hydrated – our body uses more water in times of stress
- uncertainty is exhausting so make sure you get plenty of good quality rest
- don’t put any expectations on yourself – take one day at a time, or even one hour at a time
- take time to tune in to how you’re feeling. Listen to your body and to what it needs
- journal
- reach out to connect with others. They say that ‘a trouble shared is a trouble halved’, and in these times of physical distancing it’s good to be reminded that we’re not alone in feeling anxious, lonely, frustrated, lost or whatever.
- create some structure for your day. With many of us working from home and possibly home-schooling as well, our normal routines have been thrown up in the air. Creating a new structure helps to give us a sense of stability and control again
- practice mindfulness, or Beingfulness, that is, to become conscious of the whole of your being – Body, Mind & Spirit – without judging or labelling and just ‘let be’